The Best Capos for Any Survival Situation

How often do you think you will need a Capo when playing your guitar? Having a capo is like having an extra pointer and thumb to hold down the strings so that you don’t have to worry that the pitch of the guitar is lower than you want it to be.

Finding the perfect capo can transform your guitar playing experience – and we have a great selection reviewed that will suit professionals or beginners looking for your first reliable option, this comprehensive guide has you covered.

In this expert review, we’ll explore everything from high-end models like the G7th Performance 3 with its innovative ART technology to tried-and-true classics like the Shubb C1N. We’ve spent countless hours testing these capos across different guitar types, comparing essential features like pressure control, ease of use, and build quality.

Want to avoid fret buzz, tuning issues, and that dreaded string buzz? We’ll break down exactly what makes a great capo and help you choose the perfect match for your acoustic or electric guitar, playing style, and budget.

Check out all of our reviews for other useful guitar accessories here !

Best Guitar Capos

ImageGuitar Capos
Check Price
G7th Performance 3 Capo with ART4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)Check on Amazon
C1N Shubb Standard Series Acoustic Guitar Capo4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)Check on Amazon
Kyser KG6B 6 String Capo4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon
Dunlop 83CB Acoustic Trigger Capo, Curved4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon
Sound Harbor MA‌-12 Capo 4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon
xGuitarx Guitar Capo4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon
WINGO Rosewood Guitar Capo w 5 Picks4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon

Kyser KG6B 6 String Capo

The Kyser takes its name from Kaiser, which is a name for the kings of Germany more than a century ago. The name is kind of fitting for this capo which, while not being the king of old Germany, is one of the best capos on the list. The spring-loaded mechanism of the Kyser KG6B 6 String Capo is well balanced between applying enough pressure to make a difference but being light enough in its touch to not bend the strings and make them lose their tuning. This professional-grade capo is great for all players, but especially for those who are looking not to be replacing their capo for a long time after purchasing one, unless they end up losing it. In which case get yourself together woman or man, you can’t keep losing great capos like this, how are you going to end up being a famous musician if you can’t even keep track of such an all important item?

Dunlop 83CB Acoustic Trigger Capo, Curved

Not all of us want to drop about a solid 20 on a capo. Are you kidding me? That is a whole 50 piece chicken nugget dinner at Mcdonald’s that your stomach will hate you for and your friends will love you for. Or if you are over 21 two beers at a nice bar (maybe? I’m not endorsing drinking). Whatever it is, most people don’t like spending that much money on professional-grade capos, preferring to instead go for a cheaper option with most of the same benefits. If you are one of us, then let me direct your attention towards the Dunlop 83CB Acoustic Trigger Capo with a nice curved shape. Much more affordable than the previous option on the list, the capo’s spring mechanism is a little less balanced but will not be causing you too many problems, while also affording you speedy clamp on and offs and changes and a good, solid sound without any buzz. So go crazy with those chicken nuggets while you play with your new capo.

Sound harbor MA‌-12 Capo 

Alright, alright hear me out. Sometimes things come as part of a package in this modern world of consumerism and that is an awesome thing. While you won’t be getting an amp for buying a capo, you might end up getting four extra picks in the package if you buy the Sound Harbord MA-12 Capo. We all know how easy it is to lose picks, so an extra pick or four never hurts right? Well, the awesome thing is that this capo is also quite versatile – applicable to a wide range of string instruments thanks to its steel spring that applies just enough pressure, without having much a negative effect on the strings or the instrument. The design of the capo is also much less postmodern than whatever you are used to seeing on this list. A nice wooden pattern, some silicone pads for protection and you are set to have a capo that is affordable and lovable at the same time.

xGuitarx Guitar Capo

Tell me, do you ever find yourself wondering about why your guitar is buzzing when your capo is on? Do you feel like there is nowhere to run from the buzz, that no matter what capo you get you will end up having to bear with the buzz of your strings? Well my dear friend, welcome to your salvation, for the XGuitarX Guitar Capo is one of those rare items that will save your soul from the feeling of being eternally damned and tortured with the buzz. This capo has an advanced spring system that applies just the right amount of pressure, just like all the best guitar capos do, so that the buzz that has been plaguing your being can be easily averted. The material of the capo means that damaging it in the long term is almost impossible unless of course you do so on purpose. Overall this guitar capo is a sort of luxury on the market. The only problem is that you have to make sure to pick it up when it is available, because they are swept off the counter faster than you can throw your cash at the salesman.

WINGO Rosewood Guitar Capo w 5 Picks

Have you ever failed a beautiful song just because your capo wouldn’t come off quickly and resisted everything you tried to do? Or have you ever been bothered with that annoying noise that seems to come out of nowhere, but is actually caused by the capo you got as a change for your guitar? These are just some of the bad scenarios that you might have experienced just because you thought all the capos were the same, regardless of the price. Let me tell you that they aren’t. Take a look at Wingo Rosewood Capo and then compare it to a one-dollar option and you’ll understand the difference immediately. But in case visual indicators aren’t enough for proving my point, I’ll tell you what makes this one better than some cheaper ones. It has a flexible spring that will come off the fretboard easily. Silicone pads protect your instruments and strings from scratches and damage – something we should all look out for. It has a wooden finish, even though it’s made from aluminum alloy. This fella can be utilized with a number of string instruments, be it an acoustic or electric guitar, banjo or ukulele. Oh, I almost forgot the most important part: it knows how much pressure it should apply to the strings to avoid buzzing. How amazing is that? The package comes with 5 picks, because there’s no such thing as too many picks, right? Enjoy!

G7th Performance 3 Capo with ART

Hey guitar friends! Let me tell you about the G7th Performance 3 Capo with ART (Adaptive Radius Technology) – this little game-changer has been my constant companion for the past few weeks. What’s the buzz about? Well, imagine a capo that actually thinks about your guitar’s fingerboard radius. That’s what the ART does – it adapts to your neck’s curve like a comfy musical hug. No more buzz, no more wonky tuning issues!

The build quality is serious business – this thing feels like it could survive a world tour in your gig bag. The one-handed operation is smooth like butter, and it’s got this satisfying click when it locks in place. Plus, it’s surprisingly lightweight for something so robust.

At around $50, it’s not exactly cheap for a capo, but boy, does it deliver on its promises!

C1N Shubb Standard Series Acoustic Guitar Capo

Looking for a reliable capo that won’t break the bank? The C1N Shubb Standard has been winning hearts since forever, and it’s easy to see why! This little brass beauty might look old-school, but it’s like that trusty friend who never lets you down.
The secret sauce? A clever screw mechanism that lets you dial in just the right pressure – kind of like adjusting the perfect handshake. Once you find your sweet spot, it stays there gig after gig. No more string-squashing or tuning nightmares!
Sure, it takes two hands to operate (no fancy quick-changes here), but the trade-off is rock-solid stability that’ll last through your whole set. The brass and nickel-plated steel construction feels substantial without weighing down your headstock.
At around $25, it’s a smart choice for anyone wanting pro-level quality without the premium price tag. Plus, that classic design just looks cool – sometimes the old ways are the best ways!

Types of guitar capo

While you blissfully float in your ignorance, believing that there is only one type of capo and what does it matter which one you buy, I am here to tell you, as always, that you are wrong. You see, there are three types of Capos available on the market and all of them have something about them that will make you wonder why you don’t know more about each type. I do have a bias towards one type of capo in the list, but that is because of the simplicity of the design and availability on the market. So, without any further ado, here are the three types of capos.

The Spring-Loaded Capo

The majority capos that I am actually telling you to get. The spring-loaded capo is the simplest in design and use. It has a spring that keeps the pressure on the strings once its is clamped on, but is easily removable and comfortable to use because of the handy design. So much so that you can put it on or take it off the guitar mid-song. The simplicity of the design makes these capos be on the cheap side in the bunch. The only problem is that the spring does not have adjustable pressure which might result in string bending, but that is easy to get around if you are careful.

The C Clamp Capo

Also known as “come on Jerry, how long is it going you to clamp that thing on?” This capo is way more customizable in the pressure it applies to the strings thanks to the fact that you have to turn a screw a whole bunch of times to actually clamp the capo on. While the process is lengthy and the price is high, this type of capo is also probably the most sturdy of the capos. Fun item, but once you clamp it on, don’t expect the process of taking it off to be an easy one.

The Toggle Capo

This one is known as “maybe if you had not lost my toggle capos I wouldn’t have to use the C clamp Tom”, also commonly referred to as the one that is the easiest to lose. The toggle capo is the cheapest of the bunch, mostly because of the simplicity of its make. Piece of cloth and a notched mechanism to tighten the strings is all it takes, so maybe you could pick up a few at the same time because, you know, they’re extremely easy to lose. These also tend to have the most trouble with bending the strings but are a good option if you don’t want something expensive.


If your skepticism of the best Capo is yet to be swayed, let me attempt to convince you of its importance by proposing that maybe you could use it to experiment? I mean is not the point of learning to play an instrument to eventually attempt the creation of something new and unheard of before? While you are writing songs all with a dedication to muted strings or strings that are in the lower registers, you are missing out on the chance to attempt a fresh sound, in the higher register of your guitar’s sound. All you have to do is clamp on the Capo right and start playing, trying to find that unique sound that you wish so hard to produce. The capo will allow you to play things that you might have thought impossible before, or if you are a beginner player, will help you use the few chords you know to play songs you did not know you could play. It is a great tool to enhance your playing ability, the way you sound, as well as to challenge yourself as a composer, after all playing and composing songs in the higher register is way more challenging than the conventional lower registers you so often hear chorded through. And while you are consciously enjoying all these benefits to your music you will also, without notice, start exhausting your fretting hand much less, as your fingers have to strain way less pushing down on the strings. All guitar players take pride in the effort they put into their playing, but that does not mean that you have to sacrifice the good feeling of your fretting hand to be a great player. This is why I suggest you pick out the best guitar capo, pick it up, and start strumming away with a fresh take on your sound.


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