When You Want to Dictate Heartbeats

At times, I find myself contemplating the possibilities of possessing every instrument I have ever desired. Would I find myself surrounded by a collection of instruments, spanning from inexpensive to exorbitantly expensive, with only a select few being played and the majority untouched due to my lack of proficiency? Alternatively, perhaps with an endless array of choices, I would develop a discerning palate for exceptional quality and opt to acquire only the finest instruments available in the market?

I like to imagine that I would create a mausoleum of instruments, played only once or twice, displayed and ready to be taken at my own leisure and pleasure. A sleek design with lights falling on individual instruments, darkening out the empty spaces in between. I would have the best of each type of item. The best Harmonica, the best guitar, the best mandolin, the best piano, and the best bass guitar. Fortunately then that I do not get to buy everything I wish, for if I did, I would be nothing more than a collector, a man who instead of playing the instruments simply gets them to have them.

To whom the idea of best is not that it plays and sounds well, but it looks well as part of and complements well the collection it is a part of. That is not the point of a musical instrument, though if you are one of those people who collect them know that you too have the right to do as you wish, but also know that you scarcely deserve the best bass guitar under 2000. Not because you will not value it, but because you will not be able to help it fulfill its purpose.

What’s The Best Bass Under 2000

ImageBass Model
Check Price
Fender Jaco Pastorius Jazz Electric Bass5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)Check on Amazon
Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray 4 Bass4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)Check on Amazon
ESP LTD B-1004SE Multi-Scale Electric Bass4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)Check on Amazon
Fender American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon
Ibanez SR2400APL SR Premium4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)Check on Amazon

Fender Jaco Pastorius Jazz Electric Bass

Build Quality:5 out of 5 stars
Hardware:4.9 out of 5 stars
Electronics:5 out of 5 stars
Sound:5 out of 5 stars
Value:4.9 out of 5 stars
Average:5 out of 5 stars

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Fender Jaco Pastorius Jazz Electric Bass

There is no luxury comparable to that of having the chance to play the instrument that is a recreation of what the best bass guitar player, arguably of all time, used to play. There is no greater responsibility either since owning such an instrument means that you have to aim to be just as good, if not better, as the arguably greatest bass player of all time. When I tell you this I do not mean it as a way to scare you away from Fender Jaco, what I mean is that you need to seriously commit to the instrument that is so seriously committed to playing the best music it can. You need to earn the solid alder body of the instrument and work for the 2 vintages, single-coil pickups that will be producing exceptional sound as long as you play. The only way to earn the instrument is to keep playing and keep getting better until one day you can look in the mirror and say – I too am a great bass player.


  • Amazing, Detailed Sound
  • Lovely Tonewood Combination
  • Incredibly expressive tone


  • Expensive

Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray 4 Bass

Build Quality:4.9 out of 5 stars
Hardware:4.9 out of 5 stars
Electronics:5 out of 5 stars
Sound:5 out of 5 stars
Value:4.9 out of 5 stars
Average:4.9 out of 5 stars

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Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray 4 Bass

The beautiful design and the lovely sound of the Stingray series bass guitars is present throughout every level of the market – from the cheapest to the most expensive. The reason is simple: all guitars in the series are made incredibly well and deliver solid, strong sound no matter what price range you are buying in. Of course, the cheaper versions might be slightly inferior to the more expensive ones, but this doesn’t mean the make is worse. It means that you get to progress to the better worlds as you get better on the older instruments, starting from beginner all the way up to here, professional. Ernie Ball Music Man was made for those looking to push the envelope, to change the given of the musical world – the sound is versatile and strong, the guitar itself is comfortable to play. Definitely deserves to be considered for your purchase. Now only to make sure that this is an investment you are willing to make.


  • Thick, Full Sound
  • Alnico Humbucker
  • Lovely Ash Body


  • Extra Expensive

ESP LTD B-1004SE Multi-Scale Electric Bass

Build Quality:5 out of 5 stars
Hardware:4.9 out of 5 stars
Electronics:4.9 out of 5 stars
Sound:5 out of 5 stars
Value:4.9 out of 5 stars
Average:4.9 out of 5 stars

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If you’re sick and tired of ordinary bass guitars, then you should look at a slightly different option. Even though ESP LTD B-1004SE isn’t an extraordinary guitar, it does have certain features that set it apart from its rivals. Yeah, yeah, you’ve guessed it, I’m talking about the multi-scale. If you’ve never heard about such guitars before, let me explain: the lower the string the longer the scale. Asymmetrically arranged frets decrease the tension on the strings and the overall result is a better, more pronounced sound. Such an ergonomic approach also makes it more natural to play, since it allows you to navigate through the fretboard smoothly.

However, a multi-scale design might not be everybody’s cup of tea, so if that’s the case, you should probably pass on this one (or still give it a shot, maybe you’ll like the design after all). B-1004SE has high-quality electronics, such as Gotoh tuners, two Nordstrand Big Split humbuckers, and ABQ-3MS 3-band EQ. Swamp Ash body in natural satin finish looks simple, yet appealing and proves that bright colors aren’t always the better way to go. In short, this guitar will make all your bass-related dreams come true.


  • Expressive sound
  • High-quality components
  • Well-built


  • Multi-scale might be difficult to get used to for some

Fender American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV

Build Quality:4.9 out of 5 stars
Hardware:4.8 out of 5 stars
Electronics:4.8 out of 5 stars
Sound:4.8 out of 5 stars
Value:4.8 out of 5 stars
Average:4.8 out of 5 stars

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Full Review

Fender American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV

Once upon a long time ago, Fender invented the electric bass guitar. Pioneers of the technology they were at least the first company to start distributing the product, introducing the world to an instrument and an age of music that would keep running wild and free, for a long time. In a way we should thank Fender for helping us out with an electric bass. Though we should also thank them for producing the Fender American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV electric bass guitar, their latest and possibly one of the best entries into the world bass guitar market.

This bass guitar bears all the virtues that good design and forward-thinking can have: beauty and strong sound. What else would you want out of your bass guitar, other than the ability to control the heartbeats of your listeners? (Quick disclaimer: this instrument does not allow you to do that). The solid ash body of the guitar allows for strong, deep tones to be easily accessible. The powerful pickups translate the sound extremely well into one that we too can understand. Overall, a solid option for your collection of musical weaponry.


  • Lovely Sound
  • Detailed Controls
  • Great Lifespan


  • Uninspired Design

Ibanez SR2400APL SR Premium

Build Quality:4.8 out of 5 stars
Hardware:4.8 out of 5 stars
Electronics:4.8 out of 5 stars
Sound:4.8 out of 5 stars
Value:4.7 out of 5 stars
Average:4.8 out of 5 stars

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How could we end this list without including a scrupulous bass guitar from Ibanez? Would that even be a complete list of the best bass guitars under 2000? I don’t think so. That’s why we chose to introduce this beautiful and sophisticated model to you. SR2400 Premium screams luxury from every component. The particular bass we’re discussing has an Amethyst Purple color with low gloss finish (but you can get in Florid Natural as well), and even if there were no other details, only this color would be enough to increase the price range.

Exaggerations aside, this fella does really look marvelous. But its components are what makes this one so special and attractive. African mahogany body is topped with figured maple/Panga Panga, Atlas-4 style 5pc Panga Panga/Purpleheart neck and bound Panga Panga fretboard. Abalone oval inlays complete the neck, but as beautiful as they are, they’re quite difficult to see in the dark.

The fretboard has smooth edges, which makes the transitions comfortable for the hand. Of course, I have to mention the adjustable MR5S bridge, Aguilar Super Double neck and bridge pickups, as well as Ibanez Custom Electronics 3-band EQ with all the necessary switches. Okay, I think I need to stop before I turn this article into a full review of SR2400 Premium – plus, I’m sure you’re already craving it!


  • Clean and defined sound
  • Lightweight body that is easy to hold
  • Premium quality hardware and electronics


  • Inlays are hard to see in poorly lit settings

The most expensive bass guitars, or the not most expensive but the best bass guitars under 2000, all have one thing in common: they have outstanding quality. They are capable of producing any sound that you can dream up. Your speed and the strength of your slap don’t matter to these instruments, they will perform, they will keep up. This is why these instruments are usually relegated to being bought by those who know why they are buying them. Beginners, amateurs, and collectors might not be fit for them, because they will not be able to appreciate the true value of the guitar as a musician dedicated to his craft would. So, before you buy, think about why you are buying this beautiful piece of equipment.


In my mausoleum, every item exhibited has a specific reason it is exhibited for, but none of the reasons they are exhibited include the most important – what the instrument has meant to me. You see in this imaginary place of deceased instruments, ones without any future or past, there is no space for an instrument that has a history, that has been played until its wood is frayed, aged, and frail, whereas the guitar bears the marks of heavy use, stickers and has been blemished by memories. In the mausoleum, only perfection may exist, and history is flawed.

This is funny because I also believe that only instruments with a long history of being used, ones that have emotional value through the things they experienced with their owners, are the ones that deserve to be cherished and preserved for a long time. I still keep my very first guitar around, old and not the best sounding, but still there. So do most of my friends. The one I was most surprised by and happy about was the guitar that the bass player from my first band kept.

The bass guitar he has kept for so many years is the one we bought together, the one we made so many memories with. It is the one that I thought would not last much beyond 5 years but has lasted up to today. He keeps it with him, whenever he moves somewhere. Nowadays it is old, and barely usable most of the time, but the point of it is not to be under heavy use all the time. The point is to carry around the ambition and determination he had when he was just starting out, to remind him to push himself because he knows that there was nothing more he wanted in his life than to perform on his bass guitar.

Even today, when he has owned the best bass guitars under 2000, he still believes that the old piece of memory living in the corner of his living room is the one that helps him be a better musician every day. That is why he came to me for help with buying a bass guitar after so many years apart – he knows that memories are just as important as the quality of the guitar.


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